May 04, 2005

OH NO brett you bonehead...

Another little slice of life found in Oakland.

This is written in black ink on a page from a legal pad. Even if SBC wasn't mentioned in the text, I'd know these are the notes of an SBC customer service representative because of the "excellence" theme. I have always loved how the SBC/Pac Bell people always say "good morning, how may I provide excellence today?" (In my inner circle, all customer service reps are routinely referred to as "excellence providers," or "eps" for short. Yeah, I know my inner circle may be just a little retarded, but it's the only inner circle I've got at the moment...)

There are a lot of doodles and phone numbers and confirmation numbers written all over the page. The text:

This guy is insane

[phone number: 510-xxx-1388] (you don't mind 13?)

You sound tired... is it b/c you're moving, or have you been waiting to talk to me a long time?

How can I provide you w/Excellent Service today?


I was a starving student once myself...of course I'm a grandfather now... so that was a few days ago... kinda scary when you think about it...

60 local calls, 8 cents per call after that

DSL - not until 12th, but there is dial up

I don't get a lot of customers calling me back begging to upgrade their landlord's lines... so I won't hold my breath if you don't mind...

... so I won't twist your arm too bad, ok??

8-6 M-F <-- go when DSL is connected

... OH NO brett you bonehead...

Posted by Dr. Frank at May 4, 2005 03:42 PM | TrackBack

As someone who works on the telephone, I have to say that looks pretty familiar. Basically just jotting stuff to keep you from going insane while talking to boneheads on the phone.

Posted by: mike at May 4, 2005 06:11 PM

It's not just SBC...I think most call center employees over use excellent.

Posted by: Amy 80 at May 4, 2005 06:53 PM

I don't find it very excellent that alot of automated customer service centers now have you say where you want to be directed ie. "Say 'Account Balance' to recieve your current balance" instead of "press 3 to recieve your current balance". I think it's creepy that the computer can understand what I'm saying, plus I feel stupid sitting here at work saying things like "fund transfer" out loud.

Posted by: Josh Maxwell at May 5, 2005 06:55 PM
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