May 06, 2005

I'm not the target audience, but I think I've found some of these...

From the folks hosting MIT's time traveller convention, some tips on how to publicize the event so that people from the future will be able to find out about it:

We need you to help PUBLICIZE the event so that future time travelers will know about the convention and attend. This web page is insufficient; in less than a year it will be taken down when I graduate, and futhermore, the World Wide Web is unlikely to remain in its present form permanently. We need volunteers to publish the details of the convention in enduring forms, so that the time travelers of future millennia will be aware of the convention...

Write the details down on a piece of acid-free paper, and slip them into obscure books in academic libraries! Carve them into a clay tablet! If you write for a newspaper, insert a few details about the convention! Tell your friends, so that word of the convention will be preserved in our oral history! A note: Time travel is a hard problem, and it may not be invented until long after MIT has faded into oblivion. Thus, we ask that you include the latitude/longitude information when you publicize the convention.

Posted by Dr. Frank at May 6, 2005 05:49 PM | TrackBack

Here's a novel idea, you MIT dorks. Drop out, become filthy rich like Gates and then you can build all the TimeTravel monuments you need. Hell, you can start a TimeTravel cult with theme parks if you want.

Posted by: JB at May 6, 2005 08:55 PM

I am from the future. I have returned from the year 2236 to the glory years between 2003 and 2005. 2006 on you can expect lots of nano-robots and Howard Stern on Sirius Radio.

Posted by: lucky409 at May 6, 2005 09:13 PM

Come Sunday morning, when all the attendees realize that the only people who were at the convention are MIT "students," there will be proof that time travel never is invented.

If no time travelers attend the convention, there is no time travel.

In my opinion, if time travel is discovered, someone will go back in time to kill Hitler or Stalin (or both) before they come to power, we currently would not have a need for foreign oil becuase the cars would run on flux-capacitors (or something of the like), we would all be rich because we went back in time to invest in Microsoft, or, oh yeah, SOMEBODY WOULD HAVE BLABBED THAT THEIR BUDDY HAS A TIME MACHINE!

Posted by: chappy at May 6, 2005 09:31 PM

i'd go back and make bets... just like in Back to the Future II.

Posted by: lucky409 at May 6, 2005 10:37 PM

Pretending that time travel would some day be possible and someone showed up at the convention...How would they get in? It says they must be on the guest list. I'm betting with them being from the future and everything that they wouldn't be on the list and I'm also guessing that the door people wouldn't believe that they're here from the future.

Posted by: Amy 80 at May 7, 2005 02:43 AM

Oh, I commented to soon. I kept reading and realized that they only need to bring the cure for AIDS or cancer with them...Jeez, what was I thinking?

Posted by: Amy 80 at May 7, 2005 02:49 AM

While I could think of a million reasons to go back in time (kill Hitler, kick Mohammed Atta in the nuts at the airport really, really hard, See a version of Star Wars where Greedo doesn't shoot first, etc...) going to a "let's freak out on the time travelling dude" convention is not one of them.

Posted by: Mike H at May 8, 2005 01:37 AM

I did it! I went back in time and hid my chucks in a tree!

Posted by: lucky409 at May 10, 2005 03:24 PM

Nice recreation of the Napoleon Dynamite time machine on the web page for the convention.
I'm not sure whether I love that movie or hate it, but I can't stop quoting it.
"Tina! Come get some HAM!"

Posted by: Stig at May 10, 2005 05:51 PM

Tina, you fat lard, come get some DINNER.

for the record.. that's the best movie ever made.

Posted by: lucky409 at May 12, 2005 07:08 PM
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