December 17, 2001



The war will be over by Christmas. (Winner: us.) It didn't go as badly as expected and "hasn't caused the kind of havoc feared (such as a protracted guerilla war.)" And this is bad because...

...the media coverage hasn't been sufficiently negative to provide enough fodder for effective anti-war propaganda, if I understand Madeliene Bunting of the Guardian. OK, Guardian, that's your whole trip, I know. Fight the power. Subvert the dominant paradigm.

There haven't been enough horrific pictures of the fruits of American evil and this has been "feeding a new US doctrine of terror." A brand new US doctrine of terror, of course-- bigger and better than ever. You really have to examine the underlying structures to uncover the process of power.

A bit more media exposure to US atrocities would have helped The Cause, but, sadly, the Taleban were too inept at the propaganda game:

They always buried the bodies too quickly for western cameras. Just compare them to the Kosovo Liberation Army, which ensured a storm of western moral outrage at Serbian ethnic cleansing by taking the cameras to remote villages to show them the dead bodies.

Now I see. The United States = Serbia without cameras. Who knows, maybe we're ethnic cleansing, too. If only there had been a Taleban Rodney King, it all might have been different.

And these guys wonder why Americans are skeptical about European international court proposals.

Posted by Dr. Frank at December 17, 2001 04:26 PM | TrackBack