December 10, 2001


I just read Tim Blair's skewering of Boondocks cartoonist Aaron McGruder's Salon interview and I still can't stop laughing. No link to the interview because it's "premium" content-- cue laugh-track, maestro. But that's not the funny part: it's a classic string of quotes with amusing "captions."

Here are a couple of my favorites:

On understanding the subtle complexities of the current conflict: "This is war. It's serious. People are dying on both sides."

On McGruder's vast military scholarship: "You know what? World War II was fucked up. How many millions of people died good and bad? Could World War II have been fought differently? I don't know. There are few wars where innocent people don't die."

Posted by Dr. Frank at December 10, 2001 06:52 PM | TrackBack