January 03, 2002

Of All the Taleban Things,

Of All the Taleban Things, Part II

Awhile back I noted that the word "Taleban" can be quite useful as a generic curse word.

Now from Joe Sixpack, of the great music e-zine Slipcue.com, comes another helpful suggestion:  "have you tried 'Mullah Omar!!' yet? As in 'Mullah Omar! I just hit my thumb with a hammer!!' I find it rolls right off the tongue."

I experimented with this one yesterday, when I arrived at the Post Office just a few minutes too late to scoop up the last available newspaper in this Taleban one horse town. It worked pretty well, though I got some funny looks. (It must be added, though, that I get funny looks around here regardless.) I also tried "Moussaoui!" which I believe would be pretty effective if only I could figure out how to pronounce it. I shall have to conduct further research.

With any luck, both of these expletives will be completely out of date very soon. ("Taleban" is, in fact, starting to sound a bit archaic, like "Great Scott!" or "bloomin'.") What's next? Yemen? Saudi? Sa-damn? Only time will tell...

Posted by Dr. Frank at January 3, 2002 03:57 AM | TrackBack