January 10, 2002

Who's Next? Iran or Iraq?

Who's Next? Iran or Iraq?

Safire on Arafat and Iran in todays New York Times:

Two terrorist-sponsoring nations are racing to acquire nuclear weapons. One is Iraq, whose scientists already have the know-how. The other is Iran, whose nuclear development is being recklessly aided by President Vladimir Putin of Russia, despite feeble American protests.

Both Iran and Iraq have restive populations longing for freedom from political and religious repression. In conversations over the years, the Israeli leaders Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon have said they thought radical Iran would be the greater danger; Americans like me consider Saddam's threat more immediate.

Iranians and Iraqis require liberation before their dictators gain nuclear superpower. Target practice against terrorists in Yemen or Somalia may buy Washington time, but George Bush's big decisions are (1) how quickly we pre-empt before being forced to retaliate, and (2) which major terrorist sponsor comes first.

Saddam is in the lead, but the militant ayatollahs are closing fast.

And not only is Iran arming Arafat, but they're obstructing US operations in Afghanistan as well. Also worrisome: Iran's close ties to China. Bush's words about "you're either with us or against us" (restated this morning in a press conference in response to a question about Iran) are all very well, but I hope this benefit of the doubt is just part of a disingenuous diplomatic game: of course they're against us. We need a plan, and they had better be working on one.

Posted by Dr. Frank at January 10, 2002 08:31 AM | TrackBack