February 06, 2002

What a week I'm having

What a week I'm having

First Moira Inappropriate Breen put the Blogs of War on her "blogs of the week" list; now Little Green Footballs have identified yours truly as their first blogga of the week. Owing to that and to this weekend's double-barrelled Welch/Layne linkage, it looks like more people have looked at this humble blog in the last week than at any other time in its relatively obscure existence. (Just to be thorough, it apparently also has something to do with the fact that I recently posted something about the Englishman and the goat-- for some reason that gets googled like crazy.) So this must be what it's like to be on the A-list. I know it's a temporary king-for-a-day kind of thing, but it's pretty cool for all that. Thanks for the linkage. And welcome new readers, if you're still checking in...

(By the way, I noticed that Andrew Sullivan (who gets something like a zillion hits a day) linked to Matt Welch's warblog today-- I wonder how many hits that's good for?)

Update: And the answer is: 20,643. Yowsa.

Posted by Dr. Frank at February 6, 2002 12:55 PM | TrackBack