April 10, 2002

Tony Blankley makes a pretty

Tony Blankley makes a pretty strong case that "Mr. Bush has been winking to us as much as he can" when it comes to Israel's campaign. And according to this article, Arab leaders are noticing all the winking, even if we're not.

It doesn't really have much to do with his main point, but I'm going to quote the funny bit:

Now, the same media commentators who have misunderstood the world since their college days have pronounced that with the president's deeper involvement in the Middle East mess, his authority and credibility will be smashed, should he not succeed. They are as wrong now, in their stylish clothes, as they were 30 years ago in their bell bottoms and beads.

Read the whole thing, as Instantman, from whom both links were swiped, would say.

Posted by Dr. Frank at April 10, 2002 06:08 PM | TrackBack