June 18, 2002

Briffa's Deb-Watch Peter Briffa spots

Briffa's Deb-Watch

Peter Briffa spots this classic chunk of Deborah Orr (on the subject of educational standards and the need to abolish them):

New Labour wants to promote equality, but at the same time cannot see that equality is not achieved by trying to impose the same standards on everyone. Instead it is achieved by placing similar value on different talents and qualities.

Miss Orr will be delighted to learn that her dream lives. We have such a system of "placing similar value on different qualities" in American public education. It's one of the reasons we produce the finest subliterates in the world, with no child excluded. U.S. um, uh ... is it, uh, A? Woo-hoo! High five, everybody! We're (pretty much) #1 (or thereabouts)! I'll tell you what: fairly close, anyway.

Posted by Dr. Frank at June 18, 2002 02:05 PM | TrackBack