July 20, 2002

Something to fill in the

Something to fill in the enormous blank space at the top this blog

This blog's first serious case of "light posting" (a vaguely rock and roll-induced condition) and a relatively long links list are the joint cause of the sudden expanse of white emptiness that mysteriously appeared at the top o' the blog yesterday. Because of my recent confession of how much time I tend to spend staring off into space, it seems like poetic justice, or perhaps just a graphic demonstration to my readers of what it's like. A glimpse into the contents of my head, I mean. As Mac Thomason points out, my options are (a) to change the alignment in the blogger template or (b) write more. I'm going to try to go with (b) though that might be "asking for it." When I drift off again, you will know. (Just pretend I wrote something brilliant....)

Posted by Dr. Frank at July 20, 2002 11:01 AM | TrackBack