July 20, 2002

What Spain could teach us

What Spain could teach us about island grabbing is the headline of this interesting item about Parsley Island, Gibraltar and the venerable and continuing tradition of gunboat diplomacy. "Us" means, of course, Great Britain, but there may be other worthy pupils for such lessons. Here's the conclusion:

It may not always be possible for people to have an absolute right of self-determination, as perhaps it was not in the case of Hong Kong, but to the degree it is possible they should have it. Spain, upstaged by Morocco as it was not so delicately blackmailing us, will need to reflect on these matters. We too should reconsider them, in an era in which gunboat diplomacy, worrying though it is, at least has the occasional virtue of exposing hypocrisies.

(via Natalie Solent, who has a great many other excellent posts-- go check her out.)

Posted by Dr. Frank at July 20, 2002 11:05 AM | TrackBack