March 04, 2003

Andrew Sullivan discovers Mark Morford,

Andrew Sullivan discovers Mark Morford, and declares, not quite witheringly enough, that this column is "worth looking at from an anthropological point of view."

The far lefties who assume you agree with them, the really angry ones who are somehow also into good karma, the ones who simply cannot understand why any intelligent person doesn't believe that the U.S. is obviously a tool for corporate genocide or some such atrocity - here is one small part of their id.

If I know Morford, I'm sure he'll come roaring back, loose screws rattling, with an over-the-top scatological, pathological, kook-ological column on Sullivan in the next week. Expect liberal use of the term "Gay Nazi" and "Bush" double-entendres; sputtering, predicate-free anti-everything word association football; scrupulous avoidance of complete sentences; passionate vacuousness; moral bankruptcy; total insanity. The guy belongs in a home. So it should be fun.

Posted by Dr. Frank at March 4, 2003 07:47 AM | TrackBack