March 17, 2003

Podhoretz's Weird World, continued: AN

Podhoretz's Weird World, continued:

AN hour after President Bush announced the United Nations had only one day to agree to the enforcement of U.N. Resolution 1441, chief weapons inspector Hans Blix blithely announced he was considering a trip to Baghdad. "I didn't hear there was an ultimatum," said Blix.

Note to Blix: Welcome to history's footnotes.

I'm sure he's right, but the statement would have more force coming from someone other than John Podhoretz, who has basically been running confident bi-weekly utlimatum celebrations for over a year now. Bush clears his throat, Podhoretz hears an ultimatum. High-fives all around. In your face [fill in the blank]! So far, he has been wrong every single time. Who has the hearing problem here?

All signs point to this time being the lucky one, when the proverbial stopped clock turns out to be right, when the "ultimatum" will turn out actually to have been an ultimatum. But really, at this point, who knows?

Posted by Dr. Frank at March 17, 2003 08:39 AM | TrackBack