March 12, 2003

Projection I just heard a


I just heard a peculiar call-in on NPR's Talk of the Nation. The topic was military families and the challenges they face in the current situation.

There's no transcript available yet, I'm not sure if I heard it right, but here's how I remember it:

The caller, whose incidental statements made it clear that she was something of an anti-war activist, referred to a couple of cousins who were in the military and who had small children. She said that one of the most difficult situations was the dilemma faced by parents who had to explain to their children that they were heading off to Iraq where they might have to kill kids just like them. Neal Conen, the host, asked, a bit dubiously, how the issue came up. The caller said "I asked them about it." It soon became clear that this wasn't a question raised by the children, nor a quandary faced by the parents, but rather a concern projected upon them by the caller. And not simply projected, but also foisted upon them.

Imagine that conversation. "Betty, have you told little Timmy that Bill is a child murderer engaged in acts of third world genocide yet?" "No, Carol. I'm waiting for the right moment..."

For all I know, this may really be a concern a concern of small children in military families, But the scenario didn't quite ring true, and the call may well have been bogus. She also mentioned a conversation with an "undercover" young member of the armed services at a peace rally, who raised similar concerns. That didn't ring true either.

Posted by Dr. Frank at March 12, 2003 01:55 PM | TrackBack