April 10, 2003

I gotta say, this little

I gotta say, this little story from Eric Alterman about his friend Mike, Vaclav Havel, and the Curse of Lou Reed is the most entertaining thing I've read in quite awhile. Politics aside, good writing and an interesting story always win with me. Great, if "horrible," stuff.

(via Ken Layne, who is totally on a roll these days-- stupid as it sounds, I'm having a bit of blog-nostalgia here. Ken has gone through some severe, sadistic periods of "light posting." Light posting can happen to everyone, or nearly everyone, but that sort of Layne rationing shouldn't happen to a dog. This is just like the good old days. You know, last year.)

Posted by Dr. Frank at April 10, 2003 10:52 AM | TrackBack