December 19, 2003

The Problem with America: too many Jews and too many Irish

Norm Geras presents two conversations about Israel and Jews that will probably be familiar to any American who has spent any time in London. I've heard them, practically verbatim, dozens of times.

Posted by Dr. Frank at December 19, 2003 06:30 PM | TrackBack

Note to self: Spend Hanukkah in U.S.

Posted by: Justin at December 19, 2003 11:58 PM

Celebrate Christmukkah!!!! It's the NEW american way XD 8 days of presents and then on Christmas Day one HUGE present! Keeping it commercialized and centered around everything but the true meaning deems it American.

Posted by: Allyson at December 20, 2003 01:09 AM

I don't get the beef about too many Jews, but the Irish, well, there you can see the point. Those people. Ruin of this country.

Posted by: Moira Breen at December 23, 2003 05:37 PM

yeah, we work for our wage and drink up all your scotch and Guinness

Posted by: Channon at December 23, 2003 09:39 PM

For anyone who's put up with a decent number of bomb alerts (and known regular drinkers in IRA bomb targets, etc), then it's not unreasonable to think that the fact one of key allies for longer than I've been alive was allowing its citizens to fund terror campaigns against us, might, just MIGHT, be irritating.

And we might tie that in to the influence of Irish-Americans at the ballot box in a few key locations. E.g. the ones where they were donating money to terrorists...

Just saying....

Posted by: The Philosophical Cowboy at December 26, 2003 04:25 PM

I think its amusing that you say the irish in the us are a problem when this country has relied on them so many times, we built your countries canals and railways. We have always been in the the top levels of government, i.e. Pres. Kennedy. and even currently our top military scientist is of iris descent. If you want to refer to the bombings in Ireland, how is it terrorism to fight the british, they invaded our country, we're just trying to get them out.. if anything, the Brits are the terrorists, due your research on where the term Black and Tan came from. Until then Erin Go Bragh.

Posted by: Seamus O'Cilliean at October 13, 2004 05:06 AM

u fuckin d-bags, u guys all suck....jews are the best in the world...we own everything... problay even ur site right now.... u better watch ur back...

Posted by: jews for life at January 11, 2005 06:04 PM

to "jews for life" u give jews a bad name saying what u just said. Im very happy to be cathothlic. I do not like jews, because of what they are doing their whole life. however, when i meat a person i don't judge him by their religion but by what they do. so right know i dont like u not because ur jewish but because ur arrogant.

Posted by: dEUTSCHLAND UEBER ALLES at August 22, 2006 11:06 PM