July 27, 2004

God Bless Him, Again

I estimate that I have officially requested that God bless Ken Layne around a dozen times, and the unofficial, vague, semi-conscious nods in that direction have been even more numerous. Well, I just realized that he has started posting blog-like things on his blog again. Good stuff, God bless him.

Posted by Dr. Frank at July 27, 2004 01:51 AM | TrackBack

Ken: "Bill Clinton started looking real good in the rearview mirror. Not such a bad eight years at all."

Zaphod: Clinton was a good orator and had good policies, but he was very scandalous and embarrassing (several incidentts, not just Monica, for those who only think of that garbage). I'll take a dummy President who can put forth a good face with somebody like Bubba pulling the strings any day, if that's what's needed (and that has been said about Bush/Cheney).

Posted by: Zaphod Beeblebrox at July 27, 2004 05:44 PM

okay,if puppethead politics is your style,
not that i really know anything about that sort
of thing...although i can drudge up semantics if need be i suppose...but i digress...

i'd prefer a combination of both...somebody
that won't make a fool of the country by their
image and at the same time concentrates aon knowing what needs to be done and sticking to
those goals....

yeah, you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one...high hopes and all that.

Posted by: just me at July 27, 2004 07:27 PM

Oh, you foolish dreamer! I admire your optimism!

Posted by: Chris Fabulous at July 27, 2004 08:04 PM

Thanks Frank! I almost feel guilty about posting convention / political stuff, but it's like having a dozen eggs and the principal's house is right there ....

Posted by: Ken Layne at July 28, 2004 11:27 PM