April 11, 2005

His compassion for others inspires him to write lyrics and create melodies based on life experiences.

Greg from the Talent Show says it's the funniest video ever. I'm not saying he's wrong, and he makes a good case, but "funny" just doesn't seem to cover it. If there is a place where kitsch intersects with the triumph of the human spirit, this is that intersection made flesh. Or is there some tongue in somebody's cheek somewhere? Honestly, if so, I'd rather not know.

OK. First, read this. Then watch this. One of my favorite things I've ever seen on the internet.

Posted by Dr. Frank at April 11, 2005 04:46 AM | TrackBack

This is exactly like the music they play at my church. I detest it. My wife loves it and buys the CDs and tortures me with them much in the same way I use Weird Al Yankovich against her, but I don't do it as as often. The message is noble, the intentions are good but I just find it goofy and can't get into it.

Posted by: Zaphod at April 11, 2005 10:39 AM

WOW. It kinda reminds me of Napolean Dynamite.

Posted by: lucky409 at April 11, 2005 03:03 PM

Just a couple of observations (after watching it several more times)

1. He pats that African American kid on the head.

2. That baby is C R E E P Y!

3. His gold necklace is awesome. I told you it was all about the accessories.

Posted by: lucky409 at April 11, 2005 03:20 PM

i would really,completely sincerely,just love to understand the fulness of this bit,unfortunately the computer had a temporary malfunction just looking at the homepage.

i think the two notes i heard first explain why.

Posted by: just me at April 12, 2005 09:57 PM

Not only does he pat that kid on the head, but it triggers a little spark of MAGIC! Go back and look, seriously.

I like it. It's like a time-traveller from 1982 has come to our aid in this time of need.

(I think the grieving widow was on Babylon 5, which means I'm admitting I used to watch Babylon 5.)

Posted by: Jim Treacher at April 13, 2005 06:44 AM

I'm seeing an American kitsch/comedy album emerging...

(1) Orrin Hatch's lugubrious anthem on the "Rat Race" movie soundtrack: The senator described his song, ``America Rocks,'' as a ``patriotic rock song for children.''

(2) The Naked Trucker's much raunchier snapshot of the American Dream ("where you're free to smoke a bong while you're smoking a Virginia ham"), online for your pleasure at http://www.nakedtrucker.com/amdream.html

(3) The theme song from from "Team America" ("America... fuck yeah!" -- especially in the "Bummer Mix"), which always makes me laugh, regardless of my indecision over the merits of the film itself. (I have no such hesitancy about "Rat Race"... that movie's genius.)

(4) God Bless.


Posted by: Wes at April 13, 2005 11:12 AM

honestly, i don't know what to make of this. i'm was a little disappointed when i realized that it wasn't steve perry.


Posted by: lefty at April 14, 2005 08:46 PM

I absolutely love the shot when he sings "I saw the moon".

Posted by: Matt R. at April 16, 2005 07:13 AM