July 03, 2006

Odds 'n' Sods

[Pic of Kari reading King Dork deleted to preserve the archives. It may be viewed here-- ed. 03.01.18.]

(a) My book was in the "Must List" issue of Entertainment Weekly. (I had to miss this party because I was in Milan, so I didn't catch Xtina's hot and steamy set. Nor was I there to observe the playful Robert Downey Jr. I was invited, though, honest.)

(b) I am profiled in this week's Publishers Weekly Flying Starts feature, along with my pal Dana Reinhardt, Frances Hardinge, Sara Varon, Catherine Murdock, and Charlie Price. "Far from a flop" - Publishers Weekly. That's a mercy.

(c) I have yet to see it, but People Magazine apparently included the King Dork audio book on its summer reading list in the July 10th issue.

(d) Speaking of summer reading lists, would you believe Pitchfork media included King Dork in theirs? They did, to my surprise, and to the surprise of quite a few others, to judge from the expressions of astonishment in my inbox.

(e) As I mentioned earlier, the King Dork cover story in the SF Bay Guardian a couple of weeks ago wasn't on-line because of some sfbg web troubles. I thought it was gone forever, but Kayley (whose email to me was quoted in the piece) managed to find a link. (And speaking of King Dorkiness, here's a photoblog of an instrument-less band practice. The tradition lives on.)

(f) Here's a feature in the San Mateo Times, the closest thing to a hometown paper for where I grew up.

(g) A while back when I was up in Portland, I was on the Portland State radio station. You can relive the magic here, if you like.

(h) And finally, today's San Francisco Chronicle has King Dork at #9 on the Bay Area Fiction Best-sellers list ("compiled each Tuesday from a telephone survey of booksellers whose reports are weighted according to store volume...") This means that technically you can call it a "best-selling novel" and quickly flash a copy of the Chronicle as documentation if called on it. But I have also heard that they're cracking down on that sort of thing, so use your judgment. When in doubt, say something like "good-selling," or "fine-selling," or even merely "selling." If you want to keep out of trouble that is.

Posted by Dr. Frank at July 3, 2006 12:40 AM | TrackBack

yes...instrumentless band practices! well, we did break out a guitar, snare drum, piano, and barbie shop-with-me cash register at one point. ;-)

Posted by: lady gallagher at July 3, 2006 04:20 AM

I dunno about every store - but at my store it is the 2nd highest-selling YA book of the year. But we are only halfway through the year, you still have time to be number one!

Posted by: jennifer, aka literaticat at July 3, 2006 08:06 AM
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