September 02, 2010

Don't Call 911

-- At least they didn't shoot the dog.

-- Also, don't get caught whittling.

-- Also don't… well this one is kind of hard to sum up: don't be a male victim of a car accident, get mistaken for and mislabeled as a female cancer patient thirteen years younger than you by the hospital and scheduled for surgery to have a cancerous mass removed from your chest. Then don't figure it out and try to leave the hospital before they cut you open. Actually, I guess that is the right course of action here, considering the alternative, but be prepared to be beaten up by security if you do.

All links from Balko's Agitator.

Posted by Dr. Frank at September 2, 2010 02:43 AM | TrackBack


Posted by: katie at September 3, 2010 04:54 AM
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