November 03, 2013

A l'exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants...

EW announces its intention to ask: “what’s the best YA novel of all time?”

The comments already have a decidedly what-is-punk flavor and tempers are fraying. When the list is published on Monday, get ready to see your pet peeves and bête noires embodied in it.

ADDED: as some of you may remember, this blog appears to be haunted. That link doesn't work, and can't be made to work by any skill or strategem I know. The self-same html text (copied and pasted from here, in fact) works just fine on tumblr, but this blog's cgi adds mysterious characters to the url when saving it.

Anyway, the link is:

It's a very, very old version of Movable Type, and I should probably upgrade it. But I'm frankly afraid of what might be unleashed in the process. Some things are better left undisturbed and lived with.

Posted by Dr. Frank at November 3, 2013 12:02 AM