July 03, 2017

Three Chords, No Brain, One Shirt


So, the tl;dr of this is: if you're not going to be in Italy for the Dr. Frank shows in July, you can still get the shirt via Sounds Rad. Details are below, but you can sign up here: http://www.soundsradical.com. (Also: ladies' sizes/style available on this one, by popular demand.)

I'm playing a couple of shows in Bergamo, Italy this month: Friday July 14 at the Punk Rock Raduno Festival, performing as the Dr. Frank Electric MTX Euro Special (basically me doing MTX songs backed up by the great punk/garage rock and roll band Lone Wolf); and before that (July 12) at a kind of pre-show book event at Parco Goisis, where I'll play acoustic and "present" the book King Dork Approximately (along with Eric Davidson of New Bomb Turks, who also has a book to present.)

Now, I don't know how it is for you, but these days I can't seem to do anything at all without commemorating it in T-shirt form. It just sort of happens, and it's happening now. We're doing a shirt for the festival as you can see, a one-off limited design with the MTX logo that says "this is a song about a girl" in Italian.

When I shared the image, quite a few people over here (that is, outside of Italy) expressed interest in it, so Sounds Rad decided to do a very limited run of them, just as way for non-Italians to participate in the fun. It's $20 and comes with a sticker and a pin. It is being offered first come, first served only to people on the Sounds Rad mailing list. On Wednesday, Sound Rad will send an email with a purchase link. First fifty people to click get 'em. Otherwise, you'll have to travel to Bergamo. Or just ascetically do without. Them's your options.

If you've ever bought anything from Sounds Rad, or if you've downloaded King Dork Approximately from the book's download page, or if you've signed up at the MTX merch table, you're on the list already. If not, you can sign up here.

Do it!? Ciao!




Posted by Dr. Frank at July 3, 2017 03:31 PM