November 25, 2017

St. Catherine of Alexandria

... an engel ne com,
wið feorliche afluhte
fleoninde aduneward,
and draf þerto dun riht
as a þunres dune;
and duste hit a swuch dunt,
þæt hit bigon to clateren
al and to cleuen,
to bresten and to breken,
as tah hit were bruchel gleas,
baðe treo and te irn;
and ruten forð, wið swuche rune,
þe stucchen of baðe,
bimong ham as ha stoden
and seten þer abuten,
þæt ter weren i-sleine
of þæt awariede folc
fowr þusend fulle.

Posted by Dr. Frank at November 25, 2017 07:52 PM