June 18, 2003

Total Recall

Even though I have to admit I'd get a kick out of having my state governed by Arnold Schwarzeneggar, and while I'm as disgusted with Gray Davis as anyone, I'm with Deborah Saunders on this recall business. As Saunders points out, the Terminator is the best thing they've got going, but he's nowhere near "conservative" enough for the "recall crowd." And Davis is the governor now solely because of the California GOP's sheer bloody-mindedness. Once you take your hand off the piece, that's your move, even if you somehow manage to move into check when playing against a potted plant.

This state would be far better off in the long run if its Republicans would learn from their mistakes, grow up, take their self-inflicted lumps, and deign to nominate someone other than a doomed protest candidate next time around. And they'd fare better, too.

Posted by Dr. Frank at June 18, 2003 09:39 PM | TrackBack
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