August 05, 2003


We finished all the tracking. On schedule. I'm spent, but not insane or suicidal or anything. (No more than normal, anyway.) Weird. Never happened before in the history of my pretend recording career.

Tracking was two weeks with two days off: twelve days. We'll spend six days mixing in a week or so and still have time for one extra "fix stuff" day before the mastering.

I still can't quite believe it.

Favorite quote from yesterday (from Kevin Army, after I had done a particularly weird barbershop quartet-y back-up thing on a kind of heavy song):

I'm just trying to decide if I've ever heard that particular combination before: Van Halen plus Starland Vocal Band.

Second favorite (from engineer Mark Keaton, when conversation turned to the topic of "Afternoon Delight.")
What's that song about, anyway? Anybody know?

I'm punchy. More details, pics, etc., when I unwind a bit.

Posted by Dr. Frank at August 5, 2003 03:44 PM | TrackBack

"Afternoon Delight" is about getting it on during the daytime.

Now that I'm posting a comment, I got a quick question here: what is it with youse all taking vintage, collectable old guitars worth thousands of dollars and then putting duct tape all over them like they're pieces of junk you found in the attic? You can afford a late 50's Gibson, you can spring for some strap locks, no?

Posted by: div at August 5, 2003 08:33 PM

Congratulations! Not only did you make what is probably going to be a great record, but your diary has been the best thing to read in the world these past two weeks....

When are you getting to L.A.? We should coordinate. E-mail when you have a chance.

Posted by: Matt Welch at August 5, 2003 11:23 PM
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