December 28, 2003

How your favorite Public Intellectuals spent Christmas

Check out this more or less usenet-y Christmas eve comments board snipe-a-thon between Christopher Hitchens, Sean Wilentz, Richard Wolin, Todd Gitlin, and others. (I have no idea who Irfan Khawaga is, but he wins the award for snarkiest and most effective anti-whomever polemics. Hands down. "Pray tell us, O Wise and Patriotic One..." begins one post. It isn't all that funny till you realize that the W. a. P. O. being addressed is the comparatively easily-appalled Todd Gitlin. Then for some reason, it's suddenly hilarious. There is no such award, as far as I am aware, but at minimum someone should give him his own column somewhere. Or something.)

The topic is pretty stale (basically it stems from an attempt by Wilentz to resurrect the faux-controversy over Hitchens's 9/13/01 Guardian column on "asking how" vs. "asking why"-- whatever, dudes.) But read a few entries at random for a taste of just how much all these guys really hate each other. 'tis the season.

(via Jackie.)

Posted by Dr. Frank at December 28, 2003 07:35 PM | TrackBack


Posted by: Andrea Harris at December 28, 2003 08:32 PM
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