February 06, 2004

Warm Fuzzies

This parody of the Democratic Underground discussion board is quite funny. Excerpt:

I disagree, halfempty, this is exactly what is going to make people realize that Bush* really is like Hitler… and then everyone will turn against him… and then true progressives will get in office… and then peace will be had in the world… and then gumdrops will fall from the sky… and then unicorns will roam the land once again.

Posted by Dr. Frank at February 6, 2004 07:41 PM | TrackBack

Parody? Looks like several posts were directly lifted!

Posted by: Chrees at February 6, 2004 11:27 PM

Are the Democratic Underground boards any worse than those at the Free Republic? By that I mean, criticizing either is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Posted by: greg at February 6, 2004 11:55 PM

Greg, I don't read Free Republic regularly, so I don't actually know who's worse than whom, but I'll take my giggles anywhere I can find them, fish in barrels or not.

All the equivalent anti-Clinton stuff from Freeper types certainly was as extreme and as silly as the anti-Bush stuff, replete with over-the-top rhetoric and conspiracy theories and sanctimoniousness; but for some reason, to me, it never was quite as instrinsically funny. I can't imagine a parody of it working as humor, though I could be wrong-- point me to one, and I'll be happy to reconsider.

I'm not totally sure why. There's probably a reason having to do with my own background and stuff I know about (I grew up, and live, among the sort of characters who frequent DU, and I can usually picture someone from from my own world saying that sort of thing in utter earnestness.) Familiarity breeds contempt, in other words. Or maybe it's just that lefty loons are funnier because they take themselves more seriously than righty loons? I repeat: I don't know, but I know I'm not the only one to have made this observation.

Posted by: Dr. Frank at February 7, 2004 12:17 AM
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