October 08, 2004

People that are into Blake's concept of enlightenment

Item: the city of Livermore suddenly realizes that the mural-style floor mosaic they commissioned from a Miami artist for the public library misspells the names of eleven famous people, including Eistein, Van Gough, Michaelangelo, and Shakespere. Artist blames the city for noticing, and demands an apology.

I have to admit, there's a perverse part of me that loves the idea of erecting a Celebration of Misspelling at a public library. I love misspelled tattoos, too. In both situations, I think it's a mistake to throw good money after bad to correct the errors. Let them stand as hilarious monuments to human frailty.

A favorite quote from the artist: "People that really love art, they wouldn't even have noticed it if they hadn't pointed it out."

Another favorite: "The people that are into humanities, and are into Blake's concept of enlightenment, they are not looking at the words," she said. "In their mind, the words register correctly."

The artist is a "former teacher," which is good to hear. In the sense that she's not a current teacher, I mean.

(via Fark.)

Posted by Dr. Frank at October 8, 2004 03:50 PM | TrackBack

Yesterday I just thought the artist was just a putz. Now that I know she wants an apology, I'd be tempted to go out there in the middle of the night with a chisel, and do a little editing. Lucky for Livermore I no longer live in NoCal.

By the way, in entering my web page, I originally misspelled the URL. If HTTP really loved art, rather than being cold, soulless software, that wouldn't have mattered.

Posted by: Angie Schultz at October 8, 2004 05:38 PM

"The artist is a "former teacher," which is good to hear. In the sense that she's not a current teacher, I mean."

hahahahahaha... too true!

Enewayz Frank, iz their a problum wiff mizpelled wordz? That kud be konsidered an artiztik lisenze!

I think that in less than 20 years only 20% of the people will be able to write a letter and spell 80% of the words correctly without using spell-check in Word. Let us not even speak of punctuation and sentence structure because I can only imagine some of the funny things we'll read when the grammar check screws things up royally.

Posted by: Zaphod at October 8, 2004 05:39 PM

i notice everything always when it comes to spelling,if its in my vocabulary. that's not intended to be boasting,its to a neurotic fault I think. if it seems i don't notice,its out of politeness i don't mention the errors i spot everyday. well that and i know my very own
grammar and lack of respect for computer tabs is something i know is far from perfect.

Posted by: just me at October 8, 2004 06:26 PM

"it's." you mean "it's."

Posted by: agent 3531-8 at October 9, 2004 08:23 AM

doh...you are of course correct.

like i said my grammar is faulty,despite the fact that i know the apostrophe is supposed to substitute a vowel. i still did write its instead of the shortened it is that should have been.

doh,my bad,sorry.

Posted by: just me at October 9, 2004 07:48 PM
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