November 25, 2004

"It was mad, demented, crazy. If the campaign is organised along the same lines, Mr Blair is safe for the next century."

Simon Hoggart reports on a recent meeting of the Impeach Tony Blair Movement, a motley crew of Conservative politicians, Lib Dem spoilers, fringe agitators, and Celebrated Artistes.

Sadly, some of the most colorful characters on the list (George Galloway, Boris Johnson, Harold Pinter) were in the end unable to attend. But Frederick Forsyth, Brian Eno, and Corin Redgrave picked up the slack.

Brian Eno, a man I deeply respect regardless, restricted his comments to a purely practical statement of deeply-held principles: "I don't do anything for Rupert Murdoch," he said, when asked by Sky News to contribute to the discussion. He doesn't need to do anything for anyone, in fact. His silent, enigmatic presence is quite enough.

Fortunately, Hoggart is able to supply the words of the poem that Harold Pinter would surely have intoned had he been available for intoning.

Posted by Dr. Frank at November 25, 2004 03:54 PM | TrackBack
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