February 27, 2005

I'm thankyou for having a relationship with you

Here is a found Valentine, from Kesha to Ferrari.

To: Ferrari

The relationship we have is like something I've never had before, something I thank god for giving me. We have had times good & bad but we have more good than bad. I thank you for this.

You don't have to worry about me, I'm yours & your mine, what ever you go through trust, I'll be by your side going through it with you. We've grown with each and I look forward to us growing any more with.

Yes, you mean the world to me,

Yes, I love you.

Yes, I feel you


Yes, I'm thankyou for having a relationship with you.

I love you.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Always love,


Sadly, it appears that Ferrari tore this valentine card up shortly after receiving it, throwing it in the bushes by St. Leo's Church on Piedmont Avenue, where I found it a couple of days ago.

Posted by Dr. Frank at February 27, 2005 06:23 AM | TrackBack
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