March 07, 2005

At a Berkeley Bookstore

An overheard conversation:

Man: ...and at some point you've got to wonder why all of these so-called accidents are happening to Democrats, and never to Republicans. But if you ask the question publicly, they marginalize you. They say you're crazy. Or you're, um, foolish. Or paranoid. Or over-zealous. That's how they silence debate in this country.

Woman: (nodding) it's just like what happened in Nazi Germany. Do you want a photocopy of that Bill Moyers?

Man: I already read it on line.

Written in ball-point pen on the inside back cover of a used paperback copy of The Catcher in the Rye:

Holden Caufield is a boy who lived in bordering school. He had a room-mate by the name of Stradler. To Holden, Stradler is one of the most phonniest people in the world.

Posted by Dr. Frank at March 7, 2005 09:30 PM | TrackBack

I can't decide whether the writing style of this piece of writing is product of the writer's stupidity or is a play on the writing style of salinger.

Posted by: mike at March 16, 2005 07:44 PM
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