February 20, 2002

FoxNews.com publishes Moira! Cool! Today's

FoxNews.com publishes Moira!

Cool! Today's FoxNews.com blogger is the great Moira Breen. Her blog has a spate of unusually succinct (but characteristically sharp) posts today. My favorite is this one, about EU "protocols."

By the way Matt Welch says the first couple of paragraphs of Ken Layne's FoxNews.com column (basically an "introducing the warblog, ladies and gentlemen" intro) were "cut for space." How "space" considerations figure into an on-line page of unlimited length is just one of those mysteries of professional journalism I don't understand, I guess. Anyway, Layne posted the missing paragraphs on his blog. He mentions this humble li'l ol' warblog, too, bless him.

Posted by Dr. Frank at February 20, 2002 10:19 AM | TrackBack