April 18, 2002

What really happened at Jenin?

What really happened at Jenin? This article (via Bill Quick via Max Power) is an attempt at a balanced consideration of the question. The New York Times and the Washington Post reports are full of gutwrenching horrors, but no evidence of the kind of atrocity that has been alleged. The New York Post calls it "the massacre that wasn't. Probably: but the real answer is, no one really knows yet exactly what happened.

I can think of only one explanation for the eagerness of the British press to proclaim a massacre and a war crime before the facts have been established: wishful thinking. (The Brits don't have a monopoly on that sort of perversity if Andrew Sullivan's story about CNN's Andrea Koppel is to be believed.)

Posted by Dr. Frank at April 18, 2002 06:38 PM | TrackBack