April 02, 2003

Of Rosbeefs, Yanquis, and Frogues

Of Rosbeefs, Yanquis, and Frogues

Here's the latest report, which includes a picture, of the appalling desecration, complete with swastika, of the war memorial at the British cemetery in Etaples. I'm not even going to try to gather all the links of those who have commented, but there has been a great deal of comment, unsurprisingly.

Does anyone else find it strange that, given the obvious care which the perpetrators took with this inscription, the word "Rosbifs" (a derogatory word for Brits, analogous to Frogs) should be mis-spelled (or spelled so "Anglo-orthographically") and that the swastika is backwards and is missing a "hook"? Otherwise, the "text" is obviously very carefully planned and "daubed," and is much more legible than most such graffiti. Romani ite domum...

Posted by Dr. Frank at April 2, 2003 01:02 PM | TrackBack