July 20, 2003

OK, it may have been a liquid lunch

I've been meaning to mention: Rick Heller was in town this week on vacation and we got together for lunch the other day. He is just as smart as his blog and is as well-spoken as it is well-written. We talked of art, writing, blogging, sports, politics, Berkeley, Boston, the Weathermen, the SLA, punk rock, the contrarian ethos, you name it. Isn't it strange when you finally meet someone whom you "know" pretty well through their writing? He's only the fifth person in my personal blog pantheon that I've met personally, as a matter of fact. It was nice. Maybe one of these days I'll get to meet Moira Breen...

Posted by Dr. Frank at July 20, 2003 04:29 PM | TrackBack

You sweetie. If you're ever in Grant Wood country, or I'm ever out in your neck of the woods, consider it a date. Liquid is fine.

Posted by: Moira Breen at July 21, 2003 11:09 PM