October 05, 2016



This is Chris Appelgren, former owner of Lookout Records, old friend and tireless supporter of me and my stuff. Without his help King Dork Approximately the Album would have struggled much more in its bid for real world existence, and been much less. In fact, he's the main reason the MTX in its most successful and approved-of phase (Women Who Love Them through Yesterday Rules) was able to exist at all. We had few champions in those days. (Kevin Army is the only other I can think of, really.) Without him, I doubt there'd have been any records after 1994. So, I owe him a lot.

Back in those days, we used to spend lots of time together scouring bookshops and junk stores for fodder to be turned into artwork. I have always loved his art and the whimsical, retro, gently ironic sensibility it brought to my little recording projects. It is really strange that now, more than twenty years later, we are once again doing much the same thing. This photo was taken during one of our weekly strategy meetings at Cato's Ale House that we've been doing over the past year. Once again, and always, thanks Chris.

Posted by Dr. Frank at October 5, 2016 03:49 PM